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Bbc Quiz : Week 37

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Buenchico | 20:07 Fri 13th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
28 Answers

Good evening, once again!


I scored a 'passable' (but no more) THREE out of seven on the main quiz this week:


I didn't do too badly on the junior one though, with FOUR out of five:


Your turn!



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Top of the table, Campbellking!

Well done!

I don't know how I missed the quizzes last night.

2/7 and 3/5 this evening.

Not the worst I've scored but far from the best.

I've got a second cat, a kitten to keep DJ company, so far all she's done is hiss at the little stranger.  No paws or fur flying so they might come to some arrangement to live together.

Question Author

At least you avoided any disasters in the quizzes, Sandy!

Cats don't like company!  Most sources suggest that you shouldn't have two or more cats together unless they're from the same litter (as my lot are).

However, as the newcomer is only a kitten, DJ's unlikely to feel threatened by him/her.  So there's a good chance that they'll eventually learn to co-exist.

We want some piccies!

That's  one classy feline sandy   ☺

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Calico cats are all gorgeous, Sandy - and yours is extra gorgeous!

I got 5/7 in the main quiz - i got the Trump/Harris question correct (i.e. it turned green and a tick appeared alongside) but the word Wrong also appeared???

Just 3/5 in the junior quiz


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The technology does seem to play up like that occasionally, Ken.  I've absolutely no idea why though!

Well done on your impressive scores, anyway!

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Bbc Quiz : Week 37

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