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Three For A Ton(One Hundred)

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sandyRoe | 09:25 Sun 15th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

I overheard this phrase in a cafe yesterday.  Is it a slang reference to drug buying?



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I don't know, but I've always used 'ton' for a hundred.  Probably goes back to my early motorbiking days.

If it is I'll definitely be sticking to the beer for my laughs.

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The strongest drink for me now is 2 teaspoons of instant coffee in the cup 

Decaf, Sandy?

Or, as in a "newsflash" from The Two  Ronnies:

The police have just issued a warning to motorists that an elephant has just done a ton on the M1. Motorists are advised to treat it as a roundabout. 😂

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No,no.  That would be a step too far.

£33 ea. -  reduction mate, a ton has been 100 for long long time.

er I am not sure about  drug prices ( wraps) - three wraps for a £100 ? 24h police custody, the drugged lady says she has taken heroin and the police woman says " nope you are negative for that!"  am I etc

£33 for glucose seems a rip off. I dont know

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It's probably better that I don't know.

Ignorance is bliss.

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Three For A Ton(One Hundred)

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