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Sir Keir And Angela Go To Hollywood

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DTCwordfan | 21:06 Sat 14th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
17 Answers



Who comes up with these? Brilliant fun for a Saturday evening,





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That has made my saturday night,thank you so much for posting it.

This is funny . 

Soon we'll not be able to believe our eyes.

I can't access it.  I don't do Facebook.

Ha ha ha that's brilliant

A scarecrow with no brain and a massive majority in parliament? Sheesh!

I don't do FB either Naomi but I was able to view it.

Just got it.  Very funny.  :o)

Comedy gold, superimposing faces onto old film then not even hitlerising it.

Very clever and very funny. But also a very unsettling example of what capabilities there are with AI. Especially in the wrong hands.

I thought it was a new band.

I don't have access to Twitface, what is it?

it's a scene from Wizard of Oz - scarecrow & dot singing "If I only had a brain" with SKS & GOAS faces superimposed.

Using 'Twitface' makes one look like a tisser.

Was nothing to do with AI. I clearly remember them doing this in the HoC. Must have been televised at the time.

cheers dave

TTT, no need to be with X, just click on the 'x in the top right-hand corner (just above the words 'See more on Facebook') and the video becomes available. 

Not 'X' but no need to be with FB.

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