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Good Morning Sunday Birds.

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Smowball | 06:45 Sun 15th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

Sorry I've been absent for a day or 2 but I had a bad flare up of my temporal arteritis again. Spend 48 hours with a blinding headache unable to even look at light. Very draining and miserable.  Tbh I'm not even 100% sure  on the doctors diagnosis as I am also sick every single time for at least 24 hours( but that's another post!)

Anyway, it's mad birthday season - today are two of my friends birthdays - one male, one female. Tuesday will be Youngsmow & Thursday will be my daughter. Then nxt week will be me lol. Hope I  havent forgotten anyone!!

Anyone up to anything interesting today?? xx



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Hope you're feeling better today Smow.

Happy birthday to all, and yourself for next week.

Same old, same old downunder, but happily winter is slowly disappearing. 

Bring me sunshine, in your smile🤗

Good morning both.  Smow, I'm so sorry you've had two horrible days but glad you're up to posting this morning. It sounds like a manic birthday week - don't get too tired to enjoy it. We're going out for Sunday lunch - yippee!

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Morning guys. Seems fully Oz to hear you say that winter is slowly disappearing when we've got ours looming ahead in the distance lol. 
Sunday lunch out sounds good - anywhere new or a tried and tested place?

Good morning, sorry you were ill. Happy birthday for next week. Looks like it is going to be a nice day here, probably go out into the garden. Have a good day everyone.

I  am sorry you were feeling so poorly Smow, and I'm glad to see you back. Is there any medication that helps and are you seen by a consultant.

Even though you have a busy week, try and take it easy and look after yourself. Nothing planned here for today so same as, same as

Sunday lunch will be in a relatively new wine bar in town which recently started doing lunch on Sunday. They have wonderfully comfortable upholstered furniture and serve an amount of food which is restrained, not in the off-putting volume you get in pubs where I frequently have to order from the children's menu!



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Hi Rosetta. Ive been put on silly doses of steroids, can't say they are doing much apart from weight gain!!

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Hope everyone else is having a good Sunday afternoon?

You were missed Smow...and I didn't see this earlier. Hope you are better...being sick so much sounds dreadful. 

Afternoon all.  All good here, much better than what you've been going through, Smow.

I used to get the most shocking migraines, always made me projectile vomit, couldn't the light, smells turned my stomach and couldn't eat.  They usually lasted a couple of days, too.  Thankfully I grew out of them. 


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Ah bless you - Thankyou pasta & Barry. X

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Good Morning Sunday Birds.

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