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Like A Fine Wine

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pastafreak | 17:45 Sun 15th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
12 Answers

Probably mostly for the ladies of AB...or any other interested parties 🥰 😉



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:(  I thought this was a thread about fine wine.  

He has aged well.

I`d never have recognised him.  Doesn't do anything for me - maybe if he lost the beard

£460 for a sweatshirt ???????




or a Rugby type top 

Kith & Giorgio Armani Cashmere Harmon Rugby

The Traveler

£2,250.00 GBP

Why is he wearing a dressing gown to drive?

that "dressing gown" costs £3900

Yeah, but does the car have a bed in it?

Question Author

Absolute bunch of heathens on here


Pasta, think it's a few cases of....

Surely the heathens are the ones going about the place in their jim-jams. 😐

Well hellooooo......... : )

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Like A Fine Wine

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