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Good Morning Early Birds.

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Smowball | 07:58 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
7 Answers

Morning everyone! Hope we are all ok? Came downstairs at about 5am to get a drink to find a big chunky tabby cat in the kitchen quite happily eating cat biscuit. Now that would be ok if it was my cat! No idea whose it is, but my two were sat upstairs oblivious! 
Weekend has gone far far too quickly. Had a long list of things to do before Monday but didn't even get half way thru. Oh well lol.

Anyone got plans for today?



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Morning, Smow, nothing planned that's worth reporting.

Time for you to get that microchip catflap thing, stop putting it off.  One morning you'll come downstairs and find hundreds of cats living the good life 

Oh dear, still no solution to intruder problem.!

I am off to shower and do the supermarket run, not much else on today.  Another promise (7th) that we should exchange contracts this week, I am not holding my breath after a 4 month saga.  Friend said to me 'if you wrote a short story about this everyone would think it was too far fetched to be true. Oh well fingers crossed.


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Yes Barry I know, it's on my list now.......honestly lol.

ubasses - maybe a little money earner here, write a short story about it all!


Morning all. Just a tesco delivery for us this morning, I have the horrible feeling I have forgotten something.

Ubasses I hope they get a move on with your house sale, it must be so frustrating.

Smow, I had to laugh at your feline intruder,is it the same cat saying "adopt me please?"

Have a good day everyone

My daughter came downstairs to find three cats peacefully asleep on the sofa, only one of which was hers! One of them, it turned out, was well-known to have been abandoned when his family moved away (who does that?) so they adopted him and the now two resident cats seem to have made it clear that no visitors are welcome. The adopted cat no longer has fleas and has been spayed and chipped. He has very long hair and is called Spike!

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Morning Rosetta/Impatiens. I've got a photo I took early one summer morning on my mobile - think it was either last yr or the year before. I came downstairs, opened the curtains to see 7 cats asleep/lounging in the garden - on chairs, a sun lounger, on the patio - and not one was mine!! I had to do a double take!! I kept the photo and every time I look at it I laugh.

That's hilarious Smow! You're obviously cat central.

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Good Morning Early Birds.

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