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Winter Fuel Allowance

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JinnyJoan | 09:28 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

I haven't been on top of the latest but sister said there is news that if you were born before 1958 you will receive the above.  Is this true?



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I don't think it's about your date of birth.  It's more to do with what benefits you receive.

although it could bedifferent in NI of course,sorry

in england you have to be born prior to 1958 AND be in receipt of a qualifying benefit

that is england and wales alice.  Poster is in .NI


Apologies nobs

sorry to be picky, your link is for last year,,not this year :)

The link to the WFP in Ulster is for last year and has not been updated.

Reading a recent statement in the Assembly, the same rules will apply in Ulster and Great Britain.

No, only those born before 1958 and in receipt of benefit.

No, Robber Reeves has stolen it to give to her rich Union mates.

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Winter Fuel Allowance

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