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sandyRoe | 11:41 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
18 Answers

Is this a strange kind of laugh?

I can't see it in my minds eye.  Can anyone think of an example?



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More than a giggle but less than a chuckle, brother.
11:50 Mon 16th Sep 2024

You really need to try  hearing it with your mind's ear, Sandy.

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And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?

      Come to my arms, my beamish boy!

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!”

      He chortled in his joy

Apart from this I can't think of an example.

More than a giggle but less than a chuckle, brother.

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To answer

'chortle'. Ta. 😄

It is one of Lewis Carroll's 'invented' words to describe a sound he was imagining. Like 'brillig' and 'slithy' - they carry their own pictures with them, wonderful stuff.

A chortle is a vessel for containing liquids (usually alcoholic). It can best be described as a cross between a churn and a bottle.

I think chortle ( loud gleeful laugh) has an element of schadenfreude about it - funny and enjoying the victim's discomforture

pointing out a glaring error on AB always makes me  chortle.

I chortle alot then: I am a sad donkey

Khandro, is that true - or are we playing 'Call My Bluff'?  Brilliant!

To me a chortle is a kind of Ohohoh noise from the throat. Not a real laugh.

Yes, a lovely answer, Sharon - I've tried it out!

There is something on AB that changes what you type to chortlesplutters, can't remember what, is it PMSL?

Obviously not....chortle

Carroll seems to have thought of it as a cross between snort and chuckle. He came up with a lot of neologisms but I think that's the only one that's made it into the language.

The Finns have Toves, though

jourdain;  //is that true - or are we playing 'Call My Bluff'? //

You can find out by 'Chortle' at:  [email protected] 

Yes Prudie "chortlesplutter" if I recall correctly.

One of our dear departed contributors explained it to me ages ago as a word a previous editor put in place to keep the site family friendly.

But I could be wrong, chortlesplutter 🤭

Yes, a lovely answer, Sharon - I've tried it out!

no that is 'hollow laugh'

difft use:  "Labour can be relied on for fiscal propriety " - - -  deserves a hollow laugh ( re to show it is not true - this  is AB) and not a chortle

as a word a previous editor put in place

incredz was on  R4 this am 0800 - what the previous editor? bless ! - No, Elon  Musk ( hollow laugh) and censorship on X. Our Eel is on Trumps side and allows pro Trump posts and not pro Biden....

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