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If You Doubled The Diameter Of A Pipe...

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sandyRoe | 18:09 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
26 Answers

... carrying fluids, how much more could it move?



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Ah... St. Bazelgette. Patron Saint of drainlayers. 😉

Talking of poo.  In a standard 100mm diam. drain: one flush would give certain depth of water in the pipe to carry solids away.

Increasing the diam. to say, 150mm would seem to be a good idea, but, for the given flush, there would be a very much shallower depth of water in the bottom of the pipe. Poo could easily run aground and result in a bung-up.

Poo dynamics matter  🤣


poo dynamics do -  a neighbours bog backed up in my garden - o gawd as some wd say

or, as we say in these parts... poo dynamics do-do

As I understand it, if the diameter doubles, the cross-sectional area quadruples but the speed at which the liquid travels through the larger pipe would be a quarter of the speed through the smaller pipe if the rate of input into both pipes remains the same.



There once was a young man named Clyde
Who fell in an outhouse, and died.
        He had a twin brother
        Who fell in another
And now they're interred side by side

Apparently it was years before anyone got that.

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