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If Fewer Than 1% Of The Population Are Actually Trans, Why Is There Such A Big Push To Force This Ideology Onto Children

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Khandro | 12:40 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | News
92 Answers

It appears that the stats were fiddled by the pro-trans lobby.

Has any other tiny, insignificantly small group of people gained so much public limelight?



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Peter Pedant, once again you've picked up on one of my posts.  I could he forgiven for thinking you don't read any others.  But wind your neck in.  I didn't say children are gormless but they are impressionable - and yes, people with agendas are encouraging it.  They're messing with young minds - and that is wrong on every level.

60 years ago no one talked about homosexuality. It was un natural, dirty,  against the law.  Not to be mentioned in polite society. Now the same neandathols are harping on about transgender  issues. It's pathetic and says more about those who are 'frightened' on talking to kids bit these issues. Education on all aspects of human sexuality, appropriate to age is the only way forward. I'd rather have an informed non judge,metal society tha. One that banns talking about these issues. If you want that move to Russian or North Korean 

Auntypoll, /those who are 'frightened' on talking to kids bit these issues. Education on all aspects of human sexuality/ your talking from an adult view point and not a child eye view of the world, let them be children because it's only fleeting, teenagers perhaps and limited.

19:26 no talk about any sexual subject has any place in primary/junior schools, I don't care how trendy it is.

Transgender ideology has no place in our schools.  Telling children they can choose their own gender or change their gender is perverse, unscientific and unnecessary.  Parents can choose to tell their kids whatever they choose in the home, but this gender rubbish shouldn't be taught in our schools.

//19:26 no talk about any sexual subject has any place in primary/junior schools, I don't care how trendy it is.//


Glad you werent me at the time 3T

19:54 don't try and relate this to whatever abuse you suffered me old china.

60 years ago no one talked about homosexuality. It was un natural, dirty,  against the law.  Not to be mentioned in polite society. Now the same neandathols are harping on about transgender  issues. It's pathetic and says more about those who are 'frightened' on talking to kids bit these issues. Education on all aspects of human sexuality, appropriate to age is the only way forward. I'd rather have an informed non judgmental society than one that bans talking about these issues. If you want that move to Russian or North Korean 

It's the same old story bigoted individuals spouted years ago -don't talk to him he's gay he will 'turn' you, ooo she's not married she must be a lesbian. Children are not being persuaded to change gender. They are being educated and parents have to take some responsibility in making sure the message is appropriate for their age. Seriously? Had a teacher told any of you that you could have a sexual partner of the same gender, would you have gone out in search of a gay partner? If Sam wants to cut off his manhood and become Samantha it means nothing to me. I have an eclectic friend group from age 20's through to 90's, gay bi hetro and trans, catholic, athiest, Wicca and couldn't care less. Children are not stupid, they are curious that's all.

20:40 9 year old kids do not need education about any sexual subject. End of.

//9 year old kids do not need education about any sexual subject. End of.//


Start of i my case,,,

Time for bed.

"and yes, people with agendas are encouraging it"

what people? and what exactly are they encouraging? do you have any examples?

Tora, some nine year olds are starting their periods..........





Auntypoll, I don't think anyone could - or should - object to basic biology being taught - but what is being taught is not basic biology.  It's a cranky agenda.

why do you believe that the presence of a drag queen constitutes "encouraging" children to transition?

"One pupil asked him whether gay people could be made “not gay”, to which he said “no”,"

he's correct.

untitled, 'the presence of a drag queen' isn't the issue.  What they're saying is.  They are pushing their agenda and that is messing with young minds.   Whoever is inviting this into schools should never have any involvement with any child's education.

I wonder if there is any particular reason why drag queens seldom go into 'old folks homes', rather than schools, to perform their entertainments?

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jth, ^^ Interesting question 🙂

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If Fewer Than 1% Of The Population Are Actually Trans, Why Is There Such A Big Push To Force This Ideology Onto Children

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