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T W A U ... The's Gem.....part Deux...chaser This Time!

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ToraToraTora | 18:42 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers

Q: One centimetre is equal to how many millimetres?

A: 1000!




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On Tipping Point, contestant was asked how many times in a dollar??

Her answer: 99!!!!!





^^^^Dimes ^^^^

To be fair, Tora T.T.  - even I answered '10'.  One of your fairer 'walk amongst us' posts.  

I saw it and assumed he had not heard the 'centi' part.

It is 10 Jourdain.

Isn't it?

That's what I thought, Hoppy and it seems we were right!  I was going by my well-worn tape-measure.

TWAU but some like to think they walk above us....

......or walk on water!

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T W A U ... The's Gem.....part Deux...chaser This Time!

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