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Need Help For A Radio Code

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tombutler | 13:13 Wed 27th Oct 2021 | Motoring
4 Answers
I have a Ford Fiesta and I need my radio code to unlock the radio.
Serial is M008271



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Isn't that the code?

Unlock the CD player in your Ford car or van quickly, safely and easily using the 7 digit serial beginning with M or V.

You will find the serial number either printed on a label or you can press the buttons 1 & 6 or 2 & 6 on the front of the radio for a second or two, text will scroll along the display look for the serial number beginning with M or V followed by 6 numbers.

Try it from

I used them last week as they are in 40% off. Definitely worth it!
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Need Help For A Radio Code

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