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Fashionable Daily Word Games

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naomi24 | 15:12 Tue 17th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

Wordle, connections, waffle, strands, spelling bee - have I missed any?  What's your favourite?  Strands for me.



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LetterBoxed, Microsoft Solitaire Daily Challenges and Wordament

Question Author

I've heard of Letterboxed, but not the others, Barry.


I do the Wordle and Connections every day but also another which is my favourite but not a wordgame - worldle geography.

Wordle is my favourite.  I start with Bacon, Shirt, and Plume.

They have served me well.

I also like Strands and Waffle.

Connections is too difficult.  I blame the Americanisms.  That's my excuse, anyway.

Oops, missed the 'word' in your OP

I do code words on

Question Author

I just tried Wordle Geography, Prudie.  I like that a lot.

Canaryordle for me

😡 🤢 😀  😡 🤢 😀  

🤢 😀  😡 🤢 😀 😡 

😀  😡 🤢 😀😡 🤢


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