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Haitian Recipes, Do They Use Lots Of Herbs And Spices?

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sandyRoe | 09:39 Tue 17th Sep 2024 | Food & Drink
33 Answers

If you weren't squeamish the protein element of the meal shouldn't present a problem.




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If i was a gambling man, i'd bet i'm the only one not getting it.
09:58 Tue 17th Sep 2024

The look on that dog's face right at the end of the video gave me a chuckle 😂

thanks ken i knew about the 

immigrants' eating the pets ( allegedly) but did'nt know they were from Haiti. 🤣

Invite the local Bishop and he will bring along a few catechumens! as his pals

and if they like  the meal -  do they cat-call ?

or lap it up 

I was just about to post the same video as Ken.

This is funny too



Indian cuisine have a meals called chaat....always put me off a bitI  have to say 🤢

Those thanks should go to Brian Hanrahanrahnrahan, Peter.

but did'nt know they were from Haiti. 🤣

more news, less AB

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That's looks very tasty

Perhaps, but probably not the same now they've switched meats.

It does, Sandy.

Anyone got any pet chooks?

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Haitian Recipes, Do They Use Lots Of Herbs And Spices?

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