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Ethical Dilemma

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david small | 08:14 Tue 17th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
26 Answers

Birthdays. my children, and also their partners birthdays. Should I give money each according to their needs, or, give equally to each?



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To the partners you dislike: how about giving them an actual gift then you can spend as much (or little) as you like and add an accompanying note 'I saw this and thought of you'.
09:26 Tue 17th Sep 2024

I saw this 💩 and I thought of you.

Good answer O-G



Good idea. I could send the partner of one of my daughters a photograph of the Job Center with those exact accompanying words.

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Thanks FoxLee2. That is what I'm going to do. Best Answer to you.

We only give to the children now..  That makes life easier for those who can't really afford to buy or give a lot.

I don't give money; I always give presents, tailored to the recipients.  Birthdays take precedence.

Not everyone gets presents. Currently: Sister, daughters, son-in-law, grandchildren,OH and the 4 Gt.-grandchildren.  Christmas adds a small gift to neice and nephew.  

Others get a nice card.

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Ethical Dilemma

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