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Only Two More Sleeps...

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nailedit | 21:59 Tue 17th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
18 Answers

Tonight and tomorrow B4 trying again!

Waited 5 month for this...



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Good luck, Nailedit!

You'll do it this time.  Your family and friends (and AB friends) are all behind you.

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Am just worried that I may have a possible prison sentance against me despite trying desperattly to address my problemns  'prior' to my arrest.

Hope you sleep well. You can do it - and this time you will know  what it takes to stick to it ........ and what happens if you don't. You didn't know that before.

Me, I reckon that you will become sober, pay any debt owing and go on to a happier, worthwhile life.  Bonne chance x

Good luck nailedit, you'll nail it this time! You have so many people rooting for you x

You can do this, I know you can. We are all rooting for you x

You've mentioned a grandchild.  If you can't do it for yourself, do it for her.

Question Author

havnt got a bloody link,,

I hope that all goes well.

Is it in the same place as before?

Keep in touch with us.

Stay focused, nailedit.  This is a positive thing, hopefully a fresh start for you.

Good luck, nailedit. You can do it.

Thinking of you Nailedit -lots of luck x

Rooting for you here too Nailedit :)

Only one more sleep now, you'll get there, nailedit!

What are you going to do this evening Nailedit?

All the best, Nailedit.  

I must be going doolally, I couldn't see this thread - good luck & my very best wishes to you, nailedit.

What time do you have to be there in the morning, nailedit? Make sure you set your alarm and give yourself plenty of time to get organised

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Only Two More Sleeps...

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