Weapons Surrender in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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Weapons Surrender

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Bazile | 09:50 Wed 18th Sep 2024 | How it Works
17 Answers

This law that's coming into force .

Are kitchen knives included in the list of illegal weapons ?

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sorry page 11 annex a


Unless your name is Freddy or Jason, it's unlikely. 

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It talks about taking knifes etc to a police station .

Am i correct  in assuming that  a 'weapons surrender bin ' will suffice ?

no you have to hand them over the counter. They'll ask if you want to leave details. You don't have to.

Question Author

That's supprising .

What's the point of these bins then ?

The scheme closes 11:59pm this Monday so you've not long to go.

BAZILE, the police want the knives out of circulation and making it anonymous encourages folk to hand them in.

Question Author

So isn't putting them in a 'surrender bin', anonymous ?

Bazile there is compensation on offer for handing in 'zombie' style weapons, which you of course couldn't get if you used the surrender bin.

You can surrender knives other than 'zombie' style in the bins.

bazile, they don't leave the bins in reception because people can take them out too.

err indoors gave mine in and they took her into a side room and the knife was given in and then they ask if you want compo, leave details etc.

The zombie knives are valued at £10 each unless proven to be more and the total compensation claimed must be at least £30 for it to be paid.

I was recently on holiday in South of  France and was shocked to see the usual sellers of sunglasses and trainers were going round the pavement restaurants one night selling big bladed 'kitchen' knives. No-one except me seemed to bat an eyelid. In London I'm sure armed police would have been called.

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Excuse me if this is a silly question .

In the flow chart in TTT's link , where it says -   'knife does not qualify' - does that also mean the knife is not a zombie knife / machette ?

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Can anyone answer the above ?

TTT , you said you did not make a claim. - did you still have to complete a form  , even though you were not  making  a claim ?

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