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Never Owned A Suit

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nailedit | 15:45 Wed 18th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
18 Answers

Just read abbeylee's post here

Just made me wonder, am I the only man at my age (58) that has NEVER owned a suit?

Weddings, funerals, (court appearances 😂) just never had a suit?



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My brother is almost 70 and has never owned a suit.

Suit yourself 😀

I've had a suit for as long as I can remember. As a small boy I remember having one with short trousers and always had it replaced as I grew out of it. I would not consider going to anything vaguely official without wearing one.

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Suits you sir...


Mr Planks (41) has never owned a suit either

I had a suit as a boy and have always had suits.  Some formal, others not so much. Loved my two tone and tonic suits back in the day

Perhaps invest in a whistle for Court appearances, might go down well with the beak, they are odd like that.  On the odd occassion I have been up before them I wear one, my daughter on the other hand pitched up in joggging bottoms with "Juicy" written across her ass!


I've had suits as had to wear one years ago for work.  Got one now somewhere not sure if it fits now though.

Also had a penguin suit - for work mainly.

OH always wore suits for work  (come to that, I wore trouser-suits for teaching; much easier in a Bradford Comp.) but now only retains a couple for smart, plus his dinner-jacket outfit (rarely worn these days). The others come out for weddings and funerals - and Nov. 11th.  Not often worn, but necessary.

I saw an old photo of him once in a 'George Daly' checked suit (well before I met him) when he was selling cars.  I would not have bought a car from that man - honest though I now know him to be.

My parents bought me a cheap suit for my first job.  I wore it for a week then went smart/casual as that was the office style.

Never had a suit since.

Off-topic - best wishes to you, nailedit.

Have 3 suits, none of them would fit me now. Last suit opportunity was a wedding about 6 years ago, but i didn't bother.

If I really needed a suit for an occassion would probably buy one from Tesco's or somewhere

I have several suits. Had to wear one to work. It was known as my carpet suit. I ran a carpet warehouse. I have a fancy Italian one, and one more somewhere.

Maybe that's where you went wong nailedit!

I've had a number of suits but outgrown my last & being retired don't feel the need for another.

PS - I sure won't be buying a red suit specifically cos some idiot asked people to wear red at her wake! (bloody Pure Cremation bar stewards)😈

I dont remember my Father ever buying any new clothes for himself. He just relied on the occassional new shirt or pullover as Christmas or Birthday presents.

Is this typical of the generation of men who grew up in the 1930's and 40's?

I had one for our wedding and used the same for three times as a best man.

Hired one for sister's and again for cousin's weddings.

Had another when my daughter got married 11 years ago, can't get into it now, put on a little timber since then .

Had a thought.  A suit-length was a traditional gift to a young man on his 21st birthday - as well as a pewter tankard - when I was growing-up.  I was next-door to Saltaire, of course, so my ex-husband was gifted a lovely bolt of mohair suiting. There were local tailors to make it up into the style you desired.  Every young man wore a good suit.

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