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tarbar | 11:29 Wed 18th Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers

M N Disease Association c/d 30-9-24  The answer is a place or feature in north lancashire. Not north or south this is in ? ( 7and 5 letters) Any help appreciated please .



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Midland Hotel in Morecambe? A listed building.
19:32 Wed 18th Sep 2024

This is bugging me. The only places in Lancs  that fit 7,5 are Whalley Abbey and Bashall Eaves, neither of which parse. Central is the best 7-letter word I can think of that is not north or south.

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Hi bhg481 , Thanks for your assistance which I badly need. If only something rang a bell ,we carry on again into the early hours .

In Blackpool there is a north shore and south shore but not a central shore but there are north beach south beach and central beach which may be the answer

Midland Hotel in Morecambe? A listed building.

I think Romanski might have it.

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 I have just come off recharge to find a beautiful response to this one question which has plagued me for months . Thanks to all for your input but Romanski solved it x .

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