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I Might Identify As ... A Wolf

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wolf63 | 14:41 Thu 19th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

I wonder whether there would be any advantages in identifying as a Wolf.




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You'd have to be careful as you'd be shot on sight if you worried the sheep.

But on the other hand you may be entitled to grants to keep your den warm.  As a member of an endangered species you might even get the winter fuel allowance.

Susan managed it on Answerbank πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€         


Oops, missed OP identity - apologies.

Tommy MacKay, a clinical neuropsychologist, told the Daily Mail: “There is no such condition in science as ‘species dysphoria’.

“It’s not surprising that we are seeing this in an age when many people want to identify as something other than they are.

“Now we have a council which appears to accept at face value that a child identifies as a wolf, rather than being told to snap out of it and get to grips with themselves, which would be the common-sense approach.”


All I can add is 'rock on Tommy'.

All joking aside......his hard-drive needs to be looked at to see who he been interacting with.

Furries are a part of the TQ+++++ and young minds need to be kept away from them.

We laugh at this, but it is only marginally more absurd than a man insisting he is a woman, simply on the basis that he says he is.

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I Might Identify As ... A Wolf

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