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First Day Of Detox

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nailedit | 19:39 Thu 19th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
19 Answers

Nearly done with. Feel like a sack of the proverbial.  Stuck in my room until I'm blowing zero. Currently blowing 60...



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i hoped you would post!  keep on keeping on

Stick with it, nailedit & keep us posted, you have a lot of friends here.

Atta way to go, Nailedit!

Best wishes for the treatment!

Keep going - you CAN do it - you did it before. All the very best. 

Hang on in there mate.  It may take a few goes but I'm sure you will get there.

I was bit concerned that you wouldn't make it to the starting line, but now you're off, you're on your way - so pleased that you've this far  👍

insert "made it" !

You're stronger than what you think, Nailedit! Keep going. You'll be so proud of yourself after getting through this difficult time, as we all will. 😃

You can do it! We are all sending positive wishes your way 

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Thanks all. Still stuck in my room. Still got alcohol in my system. Thought I would have been 'clean' by now.

"The future is not set. There is no fate, but what we make for ourselves".

and!! what you want!!

Really pleased you got there.

💓 I hope you are not feeling too bad.

Bestest wishes from 🐺 

When you come out the other end, you'll be able to say Nailedit "Nailed It"

Hang in there. You'll be all blown out soon.

So glad you made it nailedit: onward and upward!

So good to see you've posted NI, been wondering about you.  

Things can only get better I trust.  Stick with it and think how horrible it was if you are ever tempted to drink alcohol again. 

Very Best Wishes.  LB.


Best wishes nailedit, glad you have one day over x

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First Day Of Detox

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