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How On Earth Did We Cope

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Canary42 | 19:19 Thu 19th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

I've just come across an ad for an egg opener, only £10.89

All these years I've managed without one, amazing.

P.S. I'm not providing a link, no wish to enhance their sales.



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£10.89 for a teaspoon?

To be fair, posh restaurants have been using them for many, many decades (possibly since Victorian times?).  So they're hardly new! 

£10.89 would appear to be one of the cheaper prices too!

Remember in Gulliver's Travels - first stop there was eternal civil war between the Big endians and Little endians

Meant to show the tedium of political life 1700-10

Is that for raw or cooked?

Cooked, opening an uncooked egg these days can result in four months in chokey.

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I stupidly bought one - doesn't work ☹️

have you tried switching it off then on again, Toorak?

Toorak what do you mean it doesn't work, what happens when you use it?

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How On Earth Did We Cope

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