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Pillow Cases

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Hopkirk | 20:14 Thu 19th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
29 Answers

Be honest now


You haven't bought a pillow case for years, have you?


Those ones you are using are from before the turn of the millennium.



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Plain white underneath, patterned or coloured on top. 

Most are as old as the hills!

I bought some from John Lewis last winter. Annoyingly, they didn't quite match the colour of the same line of sheets. However, as I'm the only person who has ever seen them, no big deal.

I bought some silk ones last week as I heard they don't make a mess of your hair like cotton ones do. When I get up in the morning my hair looks like I just stuck my fingers in an electric socket. Hopefully, these silk ones will keep my hair smooth. Unless there's static in them!

awww, here you go, Barsel User Recommendationref=sr_1_17?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.TDM_yZEOjpnK6ExUEywB4ZkcB-77-x0YBqI1YpnBi9HzDSEOVW4mNeov2ur8R1jlg4eNGi8Dx9Xg80ETf8dkvDLWu09g97PZvt81kmVq0LdWG0gMQ9Jrr1FRvJ7UMc75bvd0A54pLpNR0JawhCCqU8kSXkUUjEbmNmss4AWHfaeFlowTpRLu_fR4tyofJyuhhxEPnJ1YxojlbWezodWs00nb36Y2lSuP6uD4q7YnszC0mORr2mSDP59BY4IwYHIPRUI-dZEG8DF1VKl5y1aW6mYw7AoOEFWuP0epLu_cmbw.OS07fD_xmooTdwRo3y01i-NG6J7zmERbxGDiOgpzorw&dib_tag=se&keywords=Hair%2BBonnet%2Bfor%2BSleeping&qid=1726791252&sr=8-17&th=1

holey shirt, I thought the system compressed those mega URLs from Amazon?

try this one

Thank jno. Think I'll just stick with the pillowcases.😄

I think the "Ooh, my head just exploded" look is very becoming

Treat yourself jno.😄

Yes, but also because 90% of my online retailing  is bedding lol, so I'm constantly surrounded at home by pillowcases, duvet sets, pillow protectors, sheets etc...... lol

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