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Ok We Can Now Safely Wipe Ourselves Of The Face Of The Earth......

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ToraToraTora | 17:11 Thu 19th Sep 2024 | Science
8 Answers

Presumably visiting aliens will find our DNA and recreate us like they did with the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park!



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Yes, but, if humanity becomes extinct, who's going to be around to recreate humanity?

visiting aliens - see OP

Hmm. It's a bit of a long shot, even so.

Who is to say that this is just what happens?

We advance far enough to invent this storage and little farther resulting in the intergalactic experiment being reset and started over by those who kicked it off all those times before.

Maybe they can tweak things to identify and get rid of the mentalist part of the code so we don't end up at the same place over and over again.

Possibly implant more rational folklore than virgin births or burny horses heading heavenward in favour of normal thinking thus avoiding the trouble making babblers at the heart of the current shenanigans.

I believe Walt Disney has had his body frozen.  If he was reanimated some day what would he live on?

Could he leave a bequest to himself?

"Could he leave a bequest to himself?"

Even if he could, inflation would make it Mickey Mouse money.

They'd bring humanity back and then humanity would never forgive them.

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