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Bpa Parking Charge

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saintpeter48 | 08:45 Thu 19th Sep 2024 | Law
21 Answers

My doctors surgery has recently moved to new premises and I called in there last week to change my flu and covid vaccines times, with waiting time and time spent talking to receptionist i was in there a total of 13 minutes.

Through the post yesterday I received a 'parking charge notice' for £100 or £60 if I pay within 14 days, they say there are signs up around the car park telling patrons to register your vehicle reg number at reception in a machine on the counter. I did not see any signs or machine, mind you I wasn't looking, and the receptionist did not mention it either. I have used the same surgery for about 45 years and, as mentioned earlier they have recently moved.

The company involved is BPA and my question is this, is this just a request to pay or have they any clout to demand payment, they say on the letter that i can appeal to Paid Parking Company Ltd.

Any advice would be much appreciated, thank you.



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You should also understand that many parking companies - even the well established ones - do not always comply with the "Protecion of Freedoms Act" which determines what they must do in order to recover a charge when they do not know who the driver was.Until you've checked wheher they have you should not enter into any corresponsence with them and on no account...
11:05 Thu 19th Sep 2024

^ If you just don't pay they will pester you with demands and increase the 'fine' so best to get it cancelled

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