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Starmer Angry To See Released Prisoners Celebrating

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naomi24 | 13:28 Thu 19th Sep 2024 | News
37 Answers

//Sir Keir Starmer has said he was "angry" to learn that offenders were being greeted with champagne outside of prison gates after being released early to ease overcrowding.//


What did he expect them to do?  Cry?   Does he never think before he speaks - or is he just a plonker?



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What a tool (makers son) he is, what did he expect!

BTW, has he smashed to boat gangs yet - I thought not!!

so what do people expect him to say?  that he was really pleased people were celebrating?

I did just hear him rambling on Radio 4 and thought he sounded like a cross between Miliband and Blair but without the charm or polish. 😐

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What's that 'they' say, bednobs?  Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.  The man is ridiculous.

Not haughty though.

he was asked a question though nomi. he didnt just make an announcement about it

"Asked how he felt to see the reported images of prisoners celebrating, the prime minister told reporters ..."

if he refused to answer he'dbe called slippery or people would assume he was happy with it.

I honestly dont see what else he could have said (or indeed why he is being criticized for it)

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Bednobs, honestly, why  wouldn't they celebrate? Of course they celebrated!   This is Starmer trying to sound tough - and it's pathetic.   

could he have said anything that didnt provoke your ire in this situation?

No he is a tool.

His father was a master at his craft.


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Not ire, bednobs - mirth!!  😂

ok, isthere anything he could have said that wouldnt have provoked your mirth, approbation, whatever?

Seems we have a Kier Starmer granny harmer fan ^^^

not really (and even if you did, so what? - people ARE allowed to have differing views ya know) i just wondered what on earth he could have saidin answer to that question that naomi would have approved of.  If the answer is nothing,  then it's not really a case of what was said,rather who saidit i suppose

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bednobs, crikey, that bee in your bonnet is running away with your imagination.  He decided to release them and is then angry that they're pleased.  That is utterly irrational - and regardless of who did it and said it, it would still be irrational.  He's trying to impress by talking tough - and it's back-firing on him because he isn't.

Perhaps the anger was more to do with the fact that the champagne celebrations were taking place outside the prison gates rather than privately, but once again the "AB we hate Labour brigade" strikes.

it's perfectlyok for people hate labour (there's a lot to hate)

however, it's gettng as utterly tiresomeas gullivers anti conservative posts

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Nothing like it, bednobs.  I provide links for a start - and you may rest assured that if I see anything - anything at all - that's complimentary to this Labour government, I'll post it.

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