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Abuse Of Blue Badge?

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barry1010 | 08:09 Thu 19th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
39 Answers

I was chatting to a couple at the hospital yesterday morning.  He was in his own wheelchair and they said they had been at the hospital since 7:30 and had breakfast in the restaurant.  There appointment was at 4pm.

They said they always arrived at 7:30, whatever time their appointment was to ensure a parking space in a disabled bay.

They also said they were just off to catch the bus (there are many bus stops within the hospital grounds) to the local very large shopping centre to spend the day there - it's a ten minute bus ride and the bus runs every 20 minutes.

This shopping centre has 10000 parking spaces and plenty of disabled parking spaces, I have never had a problem finding a disabled space.  I asked why they didn't park at the shopping centre an hour before their appointment and catch the bus (it's free parking) and they said that it wasn't secure, they always parked at the hospital when they went shopping because there are barriers.  They can always get a space, even in the Christmas run up.

I was flabbergasted but they assured me they are not the only ones to do it.  Parking at the hospital is expensive but free for disabled. 

I have never been able to park in a disabled space at the hospital, now I know why. 

We often hear of able bodied people abusing the blue badge and disabled parking spaces; first time I've heard of a disabled person abusing the system.

Have you come across anything like this - or do you use your blue badge in a similar way?



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and there is no mention of a time limit for disabled parking  - I thought it was three

Wigan, the conversation went like this

PP's driver - can I have a pass out, for a blue badge?

Girlie at desk - he as to come imslef den

PPD - he cant - it is PET scan and he is radioactive

Girlie at desk - he as to come imslef den

PPD - it takes four hours, and it is 1500 now - you close at 1630 dont you?

Girlie yeah.  - he as to come imslef den

( I go on eeking out my miserable existence)


Unless the hospital has a time limit on parking in the spaces (which it seems yours doesn't), this is not abuse 

0730 to 1600 on the go  - christ I wd need a bed in the back of the car for a rester

>>> "Have you come across anything like this"

When I worked at a railway station, we had a couple who would turn up several times per year to use our car park (and our loos, etc) as their holiday base. 

To the best of my knowledge, they never caught a train from the station.  They simply parked their campervan, with its blue badge displayed, in one of the disabled bays on the car park for a week or a fortnight, taking buses into the town centre and cooking their meals in our car park.

Blue Badges bays are free at our hospitals, but you have to clock in at the at the only clock which is at main building entrance.   No problem except having to walk up a steep incline to the main entrance a difficulty arises for people who have walking defects.

'Difficulties' or 'issues' might be preferred. 🙄

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That's taking the biscuit, Buen.


Or maybe the Parkin.

barry - I had to read your post a couple of times - if the gentleman was in a wheelchair I just wonder why he didn't have a Blue Badge

The way I read it, he has Jenny.

oh ok - just wondered too why they were parking at 7.30am 

"They said they always arrived at 7:30, whatever time their appointment was to ensure a parking space in a disabled bay."


Sounds like the Germans running down to put their towels on sunbeds.

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Thanks, Hopkirk 😁

It is nigh on impossible to find an empty disabled bay at the hospital, JJ

right ok Barry and Hoppy.  thanks

They may be an example to us all, up, washed and out the door in time to bag a space at 07:30.

No layabout, that's for sure.

Some folk can't win.

i once had an appt at the john radcliffe in oxford (notoriously bad for parking)

i found a blue badge bay but was very unexpectedly kept in for 2 nights following the appt.  Would that be abuse?

That might depend on whether a moderator wanted to use the space, Bednobs.

I'm sure there were many, many people who wanted to. And were probably swearing about it

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bednobs, totally different scenario. You didn't plan it, it was unavoidable.

Totally different to circumstances in my OP

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