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it's not about what Tories have been defending - it's about what Starmer has been condemning.

o god ( gawd I mean) my subtlety fuse has blown

its about greedy politicians with their hands in the till

18:31 //Mozz, it's not about what Tories have been defending - it's about what Starmer has been condemning.//

And now the roles are completely reversed. It's doesn't matter which sides of the political fence their on, there's rampant hypocrisy all over. 

Show me an honest politician,and I'll show you an unsuccessful one.

Absolute chicken feed to what Boris and Gove handed out to to Baroness Mone  £200m. Also the huge ammount of tax payers money that also went to Hancock and his pub landord .The difference is Starmers hand outs did not come from tax payers money did they that's the difference     .....Get it....




Still hypocritical though Gully. As I said hypocrisy all over. You have power, you get corrupted.

Apparently, Starmer has been shamed and will no longer be taking freebies - only because he's been caught out.

Yes, it's surprising how many politicians only change their sleazy activities after they've been exposed.

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Sir Keir Starmer Declares Gifts And Freebies Totalling More Than £100,000

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