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Fao - The K M Players

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seekeerz | 00:10 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers

Here are today's shaded clues for you -

12a Word for a gust or puff of wind, an act of getting some fresh air, a wallop ...etc. (4)

50a Word for an ornamental vessel on a pillar (4)

29d Unit of weight known in Latin as 'libra' hence its symbol lb (5)

47d A tug, a tie or a tombola (4)



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blowvase ?pounddraw
00:17 Sat 21st Sep 2024


vase ?



Good evening Steff, or good morning / afternoon to you and thanks, but unfortunately you've given the clue to 50d instead of 50a in your post. I would post the correct clue, but I have problems trying to "cut and paste " from my iPad (I'm not logged on to my desktop at the moment).

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Thanks twix, I've just realised my error - sorry, the answer is 'view'

Using ipad and phone is a bit fiddly ☹️

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Fao - The K M Players

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