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Anyone Feel Sorry For Them ?

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gulliver1 | 10:54 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | News
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The Super Rich have made fortunes in the UK and now they are fleeing the UK for their Tax Havens.According to a "Migration Consultancy" which helps the rich shuffle their fortunes around to avoid paying tax.9,500 millionares will leave the UK this year because of The new Labour Government chasing them for tax. Well done Sir Keir.



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johny - these super-rich have more money than they know what to do with except keep counting it. What they don't like is people taking it off them and will go to any lengths to stop that.
12:36 Sat 21st Sep 2024
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They don't like it up em do they ,these super rich. Keep at em Keir.😎

Oh he will - and when he's finished the country will be skint - as usual under a Labour government.  

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11.36... read 2004

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Wonder when Charles will join them?

" .Now it's pay back time ."

How the hell will they pay it back if they no lokger live here?

//To most ABers – tax is something only the poor people pay.//

Or something that only those who can bother to work pay.

//They don't like it up em do they ,these super rich. Keep at em Keir//


Am I the only one visualising bushy eyebrows and hearing rhetoric about 'pips squeaking' ?

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12.00 As mentioned earlier... Lock em up . dont let them go until they have paid what they owe,  Get it ? Take their passports away  ....It's as simple as that OK.

Who is to say they owe anything?!?

You really don't understand fiscal matters, do you?

to the super rich the tax must mean nothing they are still going to be super rich and they will only be getting richer taxing them will not make them poorer 

They are taxed.  This from the government website.


//The 10% of income taxpayers with the largest incomes contribute over 60% of income tax receipts.//


Like gulliver, Starmer doesn't appear to understand that.

They don't like what up em? Isn't that a euphemism for something rather vulgar. Why are you allowed to say it? If you could put your points in the more intelligent & educated language that those who really study and understand politics do then your views might be taken more seriously.

Meanwhile you continue like a Harry Enfield character.

johny - these super-rich have more money than they know what to do with except keep counting it. What they don't like is people taking it off them and will go to any lengths to stop that.

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Spot on bhg481 @ 12.36 ,,For best answer.

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Tax avoidence advisers don't come cheap . But these multi millionaires are willing to pay them for their service ,,,,They must be avoiding huge sums of tax.

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Wonder when Michelle Mone "Tory Baroness" of course, and husband will be returning from their off shore tax haven after spending the £200 million of tax payers money gifted to them via Johnson and Gove.

I wonder how many Champagne socialists are going,please keep taking you medication gully.😎

Prudie, gulliver doesnt understand that by chasing wealth out of the country the only people who have whatever he thinks is 'up 'em', 'up 'em', are the government and hence, the workers.  With the departure of money goes enterprise, businesses and jobs - up goes the benefits bill, down goes the income from taxes and everyone is poorer.   It's financial suicide.  I can't see why that is so difficult to comprehend - but apparently it is.

he super rich have plenty of money 

nobody is taking any money off them


They pay their taxes, johnny, but once they depart these shores they'll be paying them elsewhere.  How clever of the government.

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