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Good Morning !

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netibiza | 09:06 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

Hope everyone has a great day. I'm resting as I took a tumble last night after only one wine! But at nearly 80 I am relieved to only have bruises and scratches!



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Oh dear, I hope you're okay 👍 Take it easy. 

Good morning netibiza. Didn't see any point me starting a second morning post so we'll have you in charge today lol. 
Seriously tho are you ok?? Did you fall down stairs or anything or just trip over? Either way I hope you haven't hurt yourself apart from maybe a bruise. The smallest knocks can be the most painful.

Sorry, I am late to the party this morning (just). Sorry to hear about your tumble last night Nettie, I also feel as if my balance has deteriorated in recent times. I wish you a speedy recovery.

Morning Smow and anyone else who is up and about

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Sorry Smow didn't mean to tread on your toes. Was just a way for me to get back I to the fold as I've been absent for a while .

Hello, neti, good to see you posting again. 

Be sure to rest as much as possible today at least.

sounds as tho you need another one to drive the agony away

If THAT doesnt work, it  may be a case of adding codeine - to the veeno - or zoppy ( but I know nothing of  that)

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Good Morning !

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