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Cat Lost In Yellowstone Park

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wolf63 | 12:24 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | Animals & Nature
7 Answers

I would never consider taking a cat camping, this poor wee cat got startled and ran away.

Never underestimate a cat🐈



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Amazing - one does read of cats who have been returned to owners after having disappeared for many months/years.  I seem to remember owners recognised their "lost" cat when it ran on to a football pitch during a televised game!

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Hazlinny,  the black face in my profile picture ( the late Princess Merlin) was so stupid that she could get lost in my flat.πŸ˜‚

Many people don't microchip their animals.  This is proof that they are a good idea.


god it is a long swim if it turns up in England

My neighbour moved 200 miles away - and her cat turned up on my doorstep two years later.    Bedraggled and very thin, poor boy.  We didn't have her address so we couldn't let her know.  We took him to the vet for a check up and we kept him until he died - but he wouldn't go outside unless I went with him.  I think he'd had quite enough of being outside.   I'm sure ran away the moment he reached his new home - and it took him two years to get back.  How he found his way is a mystery - but he did.

Our neighbours in Spain always bring their cat with them.  They're French and drive down frequently.  

They go in wider and wider circles apparently - eek ! until they pick something up

( dont know how they worked that one out. You can't take a mog / dog 200 mi North chuck it out  of the car and then track it. )

We had a stray greyhound (megan) that liked to sit on the mat of  a primary school around a mile  away - and about 18m later a little voice piped " there's Megan!". Mogz chose us by hiding behind our legs and peeping out. (*)

I thought - "these children cant be weeing on the mat as they go in, can they?"

(*) Dad had intentionally abandoned the dog, but we took it no further sshhhh  as we have some wild neighbours - bandanas, machetes etc

It's cruel taking a cat away on holiday - this sort of loss is almost inevitable.  There are plenty enough catteries around.

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