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New Samsung Tablet - Help With Setting Up Please - Urgent!

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moggie 939 | 14:03 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | Technology
3 Answers

Hello again - have not asked a question for some time but need your help please.

1. Changed from my Lenovo tablet to my new Samsung Galaxy 8 and have managed to transfer everything easily (nice tablet) but I am confused with my keyboard which appears same as Lenovo when I start typing - however on my old tablet I could click between English and Greek keyboards!

I have definately put Englsh as my main and added Greek but nothing happens and I cannot use Greek typing. I notice that when I got the new Galaxy it is defaulted to Samsung keyboard - am I missng something and is there a different keyboard somewhere with Greek characters?

2. One other thing not important - on left hand side of tablet there seem to be two indents with 7 gold dots - have looked in photos of tablet in manual but nothing shows to explain.

Thanks everyone





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The indents are to connect the optional keyboard 

To change the language on a Samsung tablet keyboard, you can do the following:

1. Open the keyboard

2. Tap the Settings cog

3. Tap Languages and types

4. Tap Manage input languages

5. Tap the switch next to the languages you want to use

6. Go back to the keyboard

7. Swipe left or right on the spacebar to choose a language 

I've just tried on my Samsung tablet with some obscure language and it works.

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New Samsung Tablet - Help With Setting Up Please - Urgent!

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