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Anyone Feel Sorry For Them ?

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gulliver1 | 10:54 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | News
76 Answers

The Super Rich have made fortunes in the UK and now they are fleeing the UK for their Tax Havens.According to a "Migration Consultancy" which helps the rich shuffle their fortunes around to avoid paying tax.9,500 millionares will leave the UK this year because of The new Labour Government chasing them for tax. Well done Sir Keir.



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johny - these super-rich have more money than they know what to do with except keep counting it. What they don't like is people taking it off them and will go to any lengths to stop that.
12:36 Sat 21st Sep 2024

Ynnafymmi, "[Lewis Hamilton] seems to get a free pass from the left-wingers on this site.Now i wonder why that would be?"

Care to elaborate?

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These Non Doms have got to learn the rules. You pay tax in the  Country that you live in Get It.

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Ynnafymmi @ 14 .31 and 14.42 Can you please explain which part of  my post @ 14.20 and @14.34 is racist ..thank you.

"The tax loss is minimal - most of the super-rich avoid it with offshore schemes."

They why would they bother to leave?

canary: "The tax loss is minimal - most of the super-rich avoid it with offshore schemes." - Yes they will avoid tax as is their right, as we all avoid what we can. What you lefties forget though is, they buy things, they build things, they employ people. That means income tax/NI from those people, it means VAT and other duty. All out of the window because you hate the the idea of anyone prospering.

I think it's as much a case of "voting with their feet" as anything. Why stay in a country where you feel the gov is out to get you?

if you have the choice that is...

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Think Sir Keir and his chancellor should introduce a very very heavy Exit Tax for these fleeing millionaires .They made their millions in the UK  Make them pay to get out .

Hope they backdate it. Maybe back to just before gulliver left 

This thread is soo funny. The OP's lack of understanding of economics is unbelievable. He takes pleasure from seeing well of people leave even though the only loser is the treasury and remaining taxpayers.

Someone said  here recently that Keir is a Tory plant whose aim is to discredit Labour. I'm convinced the OP is one too as no-one can post such nonsense and mean it, surely.

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NMA 16.22

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NMA 16.22 "If only more people could resist falling into his trap. Let's just ignore the poster.  Just let him keep replying to himself ".So you said on a previous post... Thanks NMA for the reply

@14.44.Just saying.

I detect an overplayed hand leaving nowhere to go.

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18.50 Lol 🤣

In the unlikely event anyone cares I was talking to other posters not to the OP. 

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 19.32 Sorry NMA . Thank you for contributing to my thread very much appreciated.

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