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Men's Underpants Amusing Question.

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Thisoldbird | 20:03 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
16 Answers

A short conversation with a female friend this pm... we had seen someone post a picture on Facebook of over a dozen pr of men's pants hanging out to dry...friend in her 50s has an adult son and partner..joking about the picture friend says she's amazed to see so many hanging on one linen line to most men don't wear them these days. 


Is that true? I'm an Octogenarian no close men in my life.  

It amused my tiny brain lol.. 



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I doubt this is true as the expression 'put a sock in it' is as popular today as ever and such enhancement needs securing. 😉

If they don't then most men must be wearing their dick away, rubbing against their fly every step.

I normaly always wear them. I have only known of one acqaintance who said he doesn't.

I think that many men wear shorts these days.  They keep their bit secure and are comfortable  ... or so I was told.😂

Of course I wear them but you seem to be suggesting that we're meant to wash them??? Does not compute!



//many men wear shorts these days//

some shorts have a kinda mesh insert that keeps stuff in place

Oh yes. After a month worn normally you turn then around, next month you turn them inside out, then the following month you turn them around again, but you must wash them after a month more whether they need it or not.

I'm reminded of the "Friends" episode where Phoebe's boyfriend's shorts were a bit too revealing - Gunter "Hey, this is a family place - put the mouse back in the house!"🤣

Thanks for the advice, O_G!

My son only wears undies when he goes out and removes them as soon as he gets home! Loose baggy trousers rule the roost at home it seems!

It was so much simpler for the gals back in the day when their underkegs were clearly labelled C&A.

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Thank you for the amusing answers. Just as I hoped they would be. 

Gave me a smile anyway..

I'm assuming said friends son and partner don't wear them...personal choice I guess. 



I too am an Octogenarian, and do wear underpants, with fresh ones each day.


My Husbands are sometimes like a rusty wall plaque.

My nonogenarian husband has insisted for at least the last 20 years of a certain type of underpants from M&S.  A clean pair every day. 

He had a dose of thrush around the tops of his legs, following lots of antibiotics earlier this year, so was advised to wear shorts-type undies.........oh dear!  The complaints, the moans - never was I so glad as to when the rash cleared up!  

He wants to try ........ no I won't say it..........

Surely not yours !?!

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