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Good Morning Sunday Birds!

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Smowball | 07:59 Sun 22nd Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

Well that was some rain overnight! We'd been threatened with bad weather/rain  all Saturday but it was glorious sunshine all day, right up until it got dark. Then about 2am I woke up & thought what in earth is that noise?? It was the rain! Looked outside and we had a mini river running down our road lol. Only just stopped raining about half hour ago. Well I guess it's saved me watering anything! 
Have nothing major to do today- just pottering about doing odd bits & deciding what to do for dinner later on - really not in full roast dinner mode (cooking it not eating it lol).

Any dinner inspirations guys? x



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Spent yesterday clearing out the shed, what a load of rubbish.  Duplicates of so many types of weekiller and fertilisers etc. Found an unopened pair of secateurs, I'd been moaning for ages about the ones I was using!

Only just got finished when the heavens opened, and woken in the night by another couple of downpours.

Dinner tonight is going to be stuffed portabello mushroom, something a bit lighter after the chicken in tarragon cream sauce last night.

Good morning , started raining mid afternoon yesterday and hasn't stopped since. It was heavy last evening I had to turn the TV up to hear. Also had some tremendous thunder and lightening.

Lazy evening regards tea tonight, pre cooked macaroni cheese, ( just sling it in the microwave), and a sliced avocado. It goes well together and I put salt on the avocado. Have a good day all.

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Morning ubasses/calda - yes that what I mean about the rain, we were meant to get hit by it in the day yesterday also but when it got to evening & we hadn't I thought we'd missed it. But yes, was deafening! 

what are these mushrooms getting stuffed with then? Mrsmow loves mushrooms! And I love macaroni cheese - not had it for ages actually, mite have to make  one. 

All the storms missed us until about 11.15pm. And then there was a real hum dinner. One of the cats was terrified.

Mr BM let me have a lie in and he got up and let them out. That didn't work because while he was out picking the mountain of tomatoes and veg I have to deal with today, they brought a mouse up to my bedroom. I guess that's their idea of breakfast in bed.

Tonight's food will either be roast gammon or Chinese crispy duck, followed by belly pork with soy an

And ginger cabbage!

(sausage fingers there).

Morning all.

We had it bad yesterday, very heavy rain, hail, thunderstorms, flash floods, high winds. Nearby homes lost power due to lightning strikes.

Overcast drivel today, but much calmer. Rain forecast for the next 9 days

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Good Morning Sunday Birds!

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