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They Just Can't Help It Can They ?

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Canary42 | 13:25 Sun 22nd Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
12 Answers

Never able to canvass by boasting of their own lamentable record in Government, the Torn-Apart-Tories are always reduced to smearing Labour.     



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No need to smear Labour, they are doing a great job of that themselves me old china. Regret your vote yet?

BTW thanks for linking to my post, very helpful.

Sour grapes canary.Tora,Tora,Tora I do not regret my vote at all.


You'll be suggesting next it will take a while to sort out the mess the Tories created, underfunding of councils and the NHS, a disastrous Brexit deal (for exporters and consumers) and general incompetence and ineffectualness.


well DDIL, respect, you are only the second person I can find that has owned up to voting labour.

I voted Labour & at the moment I am on the fence.

Disagree with withdrawing the WFP so waiting to see what is next for us OAP's.

what possesed you sharon? They hate pensioners.

I've asked that this be moved to the Politics section.

I suspect most Labour voters chose Labour because, apart from possibly having voted for Boris in 2019, they've always voted Labour.  Some I suppose voted for them simply because they're not the Conservatives - but apart from those two reasons I can't think of anything that would have persuaded anyone.  Starmer & Co were clearly hopeless before the event and have now had the opportunity to prove it.

13.52 But you haven't asked for TTTs thread with the same heading to be moved though have you Naomi ?????.

I can't fathom why anyone who can remember real Labour the last time they were in (1979) would vote for them again. Especially pensioners, it is well known that socialists hate pensioners.

No, gulliver, I haven't.

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They Just Can't Help It Can They ?

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