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Tottenham Hotspur Football Ball Club can give free tickets to whoever they like. As long as Starmer declares it, there is no problem.

If Spurs gave him £40K to buy some wallpaper, then that would be scandalous.

Just as scandalous as accepting £20k worth of free suits and specs.

Somebody bought him a posh suit so that he can look good in public and he turns up at the party conference wearing trainers and an open-necked shirt. Not what I call looking smart.

"...and he turns up at the party conference wearing trainers and an open-necked shirt."

It's to make the party members feel that Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, KCB, KC, MP, former Director of Public Prosecutions and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, is one of them.

^The sad thing is they believe it.

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12:00 indeed gromit but don't you think it's asking for trouble with the whole freebie gate thing blowing up around his ears.

//former Director of Public Prosecutions//   ...   who decided not to prosecute Jimmy Saville or Mohamed Al Fayed before turning his hand to, his brand of, political ethics. 

He'll make his mind up, last week Arsenal, this week Spurs. Chelsea next I assume? Choose your colours mate.

A repeat of Aston Villa/West ham-gate, well at least they wear similar colours Mr Cameron.

Donations to MPs classed as gifts are not taxable yet tips to taxi drivers are.  They are both gifts so why does one get taxed and the other not.

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because gratuities are taxable, gifts are not.

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