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The Clacton Back Bencher.

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gulliver1 | 10:21 Sun 22nd Sep 2024 | News
25 Answers

Farage throws a massive Conference Party as Britains Biggest showman launches his Reform Party at the Birmingham NEC.Flogging tickets at 50 Quid a time   Roll up, roll up and come and see the biggest clown in politics since Boris Johnson got booted up his April.😎



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No?  So where does it say he's set up a trust fund for when he does a runner?

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You just gotta laugh .."They just can't help it can they" . T shirts were being sold at the Clacton Kids Conference saying "Let's save Britain " bur the inside label said 🤣Made in Bangladash....Oops!🤣.

That'll be it doesn't exist then.  Yet another figment of your obsessive imagination, gulliver.

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Webbo 10.38 Farage has only bothered  to  vote three times since becoming an MP and two of those were on the Kings speech. He hasn't got time to attend his part time job as an MP. He is too busy earning a £million a year from other jobs.

First the media  claimed the conference would be a flop, and now that has been proven to be in error, personal attacks on the party leader is all the critics have left.

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