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Listener 4834 Bygone Characters By Shark

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HawkCrossword | 22:01 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | Crosswords
4 Answers

There's so little given away in the preamble about the mechanics of this puzzle, I can't really say a lot about it here. But there is a lot to say, and it's a very clever construction which led to me getting the entire toolkit out to crack it. I think that's the third time this year I've had to do that for a non-numerical.

Well done, Shark, and thanks!



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Quite an exceptional construction. The preamble is very clever -- it gives just enough away to be able to proceed.

This will surely be a POTY contender at the close of play.

Many thanks, Shark. Amazing.

Slightly frustrating not to be able to say what is so clever about the construction, but it would give too much away.

Not sure about POTY. I figured out the final grid and worked back (eventually) to see how you would get there, rather than use the message to help the process.

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Yes, the construction is fairly straightforward, but it takes vision to spot the "several techniques" and how to construct the grid around them. I'm not sure I'd have gone to so much trouble with the clues as Shark did, but the punters seem to enjoy these things.

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Listener 4834 Bygone Characters By Shark

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