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Project Planning Software

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Old_Geezer | 19:51 Sun 22nd Sep 2024 | DIY
5 Answers

I am wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a free planning app/programme ? Windows or Android.

I'm not referring to a project management type suite. No desire for dates & deadlines. I just want to create diagrams for some woodworking projects that I may, or may not knowing me, get around to making.

Attempts to just draw plans out with pen & paper haven't worked out too well. The drawing gets covered with multiple notes as I realise as I go along that I need to change this and that, until it's almost unreadable, and it isn't clear which notes are old/defunct/superceded and what is current.

I need something that is dead easy to modify, move edges, lengthen this or that, and ideally works in both imperial & metric.

Any suggestions welcomed; thanks.



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Crafty Amigo, perhaps?

^^^ Blast!

I forgot that when AB embeds a YouTube link it deletes other links above it!

Let's try again!

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Thanks, I shall check those out.

you can probably use the drawing function in word for what you are talking about.

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Project Planning Software

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