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Arksided | 12:28 Sat 24th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
768 Answers

Hi everyone the last one no longer appears in recent posts...

Many know how to play new players are always welcome, they isn't rules as such just post a song lyric that follows on from the previous one. 
Feel free to have a natter along the way, artist is optional although helpful if a little obscure all I ask is you play nice Xx

The first poster has free choice for an opening song lyric of this 'new' thread.   



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The kid is hot tonight
Whoa, so hot tonight
But, tell me, where will he be tomorrow?
The kid is hot tonight
Whoa, so hot tonight
But where will he be tomorrow?

From the album "Loverboy"

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He's a real nowhere man
Sitting in his nowhere land
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody

Doesn't have a point of view
Knows not where he's going to
Isn't he a bit like you and me?
Nowhere man please listen
You don't know what you're missing
Nowhere man, the world is at your command

🐞's . 🦇

I crave you in the dark
But you're not there
Taking sips of memories of when you cared
All I see is you painted next to me
But you're nowhere
But you're nowhere

Black Match

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I'm the invisible man
I'm the invisible man
Incredible how you can
See right through me

When you hear a sound
That you just can't place
Feel somethin' move
That you just can't trace
When something sits
On the end of your bed
Don't turn around
When you hear me tread

👑. Easily distracted... sorry chatting to youngest is everything to me. but on Potters well 🤣

Cause you give and you take and it hurts
So I can't do this no more
There's nothing left in the end
I want you out of my bed
We make love we fight wars
But now there's nothing to fight for Yeah
I want you out of my bed

Krezip  🛏   ...  Arky, must be nice to be part of a loving family.

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get up
get out of your lazy bed.
Before I count to three - step to it
She goes out every night 'till the morning light

Matt bianco, one hit wonder. Good to know they're smooth and well. Thank you Hazi this thread may disapear tonight...?


Morning has broken like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken like the first bird
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
Praise for them springing fresh from the world

Cat Stevens

Guess you'll check in the wee sma' hours - I'm off to dream so
will say nite, nite. 

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Being an Angel Vampire lovable muppet, whats  a boy to do... Goodnight sweat dreamsXx

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