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A Very Royal Scandal.

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ladybirder | 22:39 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
19 Answers

Has anyone watched the above about Prince Andrew?  It's on Prime and is in 3 parts.  I loved it, thought it was brilliant.  



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Halfway throught the second episode.

I never saw the original interview, but have found it on Youtube, so will be watching it after have finished watching.

As always Michael Sheen is excellent.

I think like with most programmes on the Royals, you have to take it with a pinch of salt. The Mail put it under a microscope today and so much of it just isn't true.

Of course, The Mail is the right place to go for the truth 😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   😁   

No, and I won't 

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Michael Sheen's performance is indeed excellent.  He makes it.

Barry, may I ask why?

I didn't think I'd bother - I'm fed up with all the repetition of this tale - but now you've recommended it I might.

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OMG Naomi, now I'm quivering in my boots:-( 😣


Would you say it's better than Scoop - the one where Gillian Anderson played Emily Maitlis? 

^I switched that off.   I found it slow and hence, tedious.


No fears, LB.  I won't hold it against you,  ;o)

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sp I don't know because I never watched Scoop.  Have you see both?  What did you think?

N, phew!  🤣


Scoop was a one-off drama based on that interview and aired earlier in the year. 

Rufus Sewell as Prince Andrew was superb, but the drama focussed too much on "is the interview going to happen or not"..well we know it happened, so...

Also - Gillian Anderson looked and sounded like she was playing Gillian Anderson, whereas I've watched the trailer for A Very Royal Scandal and Ruth Wilson absolutely nails it as Emily Maitlis.

Thanks for your recommendation - will watch it sometime this week.


ladybirder, that type of programme makes me very uncomfortable, and I don't watch TV to feel like that

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OMG I hope you enjoy it sp.  Do let me know if you like it.  If you don't please don't post:-(

Barry, fair enough, your choice.


Michael Sheen, Ruth Wilson, Joanne Scanlan and Claire Rushbrook?

I 100% think I'll love this.

Having watched the original xar-crash interview, I see no point in watching a dramatisation.  But, as already implied, it's very much a personal choice.

I haven't seen it but in real life had the Prince no media advisers?

If he had I'm sure they would have told him to avoid the proposed interview like the plague.

But you need a bit of wit to heed good advice.

I read somewhere that he took his daughter Beatrice's advice to do the interview.  Silly man.

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He wouldn't listen to his Advisers Sandy, told them to go away in the rudest way possible.  He always thought he knew better and used the you know which word to them repeatedly.

Naomi that's what happened in this, he did take his daughter's advice.  

He ignored his advisers because he thought he could do better than his elder brother did. That foolish oneupmanship alone shows what a plonker he is.

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