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Does Teachers Bother To Look At A Childs Report

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renegadefm | 07:36 Sun 22nd Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
32 Answers

Just wondering when a child aged 9 returns to school after the summer holidays and enter a new season and teacher, does the new teacher bother to read the childs report from the previous teacher?


Our daughter had a glowing report, they couldn't praise her enough, shes helpful, engaging, etc etc. 


But since she's started the new term, we noticed she seems upset when coming out of school, and shes not the happy girl we knew before the holidays, in fact yesterday she said mummy I don't like school, I don't want to go. 

But this not like her at all. 


She said my new male teacher is quite strict, and not nice. 


Wouldn't teachers benefit from reading a child's previous report to see and gauge how to move forward with each child. 

Or do they start with a clean slate? 



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Read what naomi said - it's spot on.

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I think my point was her act of kindness which she would have been praised for in the previous class, now suddenly she was being blamed for being disrespectful and distracting others. 

How is a child supposed to feel other than confused and upset?


When you concider she has only aged by 6 weeks between terms, but the new teacher expects her or all the class to suddenly be more like adults is ridiculous to me. 

Children don't go from childlike to adults in 6 weeks. 

Remember, many teachers are far from perfect. Indeed they're often failures from other professions. Life is currently teaching your daughter a painful but useful lesson, something you can explain and provide support for. Sometimes the only answer is to grin and bear it.

Kids eh? etc.

it wasnt llike that muum -  so we know the other side of the story? 

if it were a post-it at my feet and from a next door desk   then handing it back wd be minimal

if  it were from across the room and she did a take from  "flight of the bumble bee" then it  might

I think the lesson is 'grin and bear it: there will  be lots more to come'

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From what I can gather from Daughters explanation, it was a piece of paper the other girl was reading her show and tell from. So my daughter thought without giving it much thought, oh I better pick that up for her. 

It was nothing more than an act of kindness which my daughter has a reputation for. 

Then the teacher shouted don't be disrespectful while the girl is reading to us. 

Thats the thing that really got my blood boiling. 

I repeat - grin and bear it - teachers make mistakes but answering back is prohibited usually. 

Explain to your daughter that her kindness is in no way impugned (and she might learn a new word there 😁) by this teacher's error, but she should on no account try to apprise him of this.


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Well we got a meeting with the head misstress in the morning about it, because we don't want our daughter this upset on a regular occurrence. 

Thats why its hard to grin and bare it. 

I think its more to do with the way he shouted. We don't even shout like that, we never need to. 

I don't disagree with your criticism (shouting was wrong), and I guess that as your daughter is so upset then taking it further may be appopriate (never having been a parent, obviously I'm open to misunderstanding this case).

Good luck.

reports are for parents. Sadly, pupils don't get to write reports on teachers.

Howsomever... shouting at a child is a sign of poor teaching, as naomi says (unless the child is about to fall off a cliff or something).

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Thanks, we will do this diplomatically. 

Its difficult when your a parent because you get all over protective, and its difficult to keep tempers in check. 

But I will simply put the question to the head misstress, why did an act of kindness turn into an act of disrespect in one go. 

I mean my daughter could have just turned a blind eye to the paper dropping, but I get the impression this needs nipping in the bud, because it could manifest itself, or it highlight the way this particular teacher deals with things with little compassion or empathy. 

We shall see tomorrow. 

it depends, renegade, maybe your girl made a fuss or too much noise, which might have disrupted the shower and teller. He wasn't necessarily wrong in what he said, just in the way he said it.

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