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Celebrities With Celebrity Parents

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naomi24 | 13:56 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
49 Answers

I've just found out that food critic, Jay Rayner, is the son of now deceased agony aunt Claire Rayner.   I know Claudia Winkleman is the daughter of journalist Eve Pollard,  Tom Parker-Bowles is Queen Camilla's son, and obviously actor and presenter Barney Walsh is Bradley's son, but can you think of any more?



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Roman Kemp son of Martin Kemp.

Carrie Fisher ?

Nigella Lawson

Brooklyn Beckham, son of David, thinks he's a famous cook.

Suzanne Charlton, BBC weather presenter, daughter of Bobby.

Peaches Honeyblossom Geldof ?

Duncan Zowie Haywood Jones ?

Zoe ball ?

Lots in the acting business -

John  & Hayley Mills

the Fox dynasty.

Roger Lloyd Pack son of Charles

several Cusacks

A bit of an obvious one here:Prince William son of King Charles III.

Toby Stephens is Maggie Smiths son


All royalty.

yup 1900 - Lord Edward Cecil ( author an Egyptian Official) learnt  the british army in Egypt had nothing to eat

So he presented a personal cheque to Baring Bros for £1m. Sir Evelyn ( for it was he) asked - how do I know this cheque will be honoured by your father?

And Lord Edward quoth: because he is Prime Minister

Papa Robt Gascoyne Cecil was Lord Salisbury

Pitt the younger , 2 nd son  of Pitt the elder

Rafe Spall son of Timothy.

Charles Darwin was the son-in-law of Josiah Wedgwood

Tom Rosenthal

Forgot Kate Hudson daughter of Goldie Hawn.

Caroline Dinenage MP is the daughter of Fred of "How" fame.

Nepotism rules.

Mind you, less than 100 years ago it was expected of sons that they would follow their father's trade/profession.

Fashion designer Stella McCartneys dad is Paul McCartney.

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Superb actor Rory Kinnear - son of Roy Kinnear.

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