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Angela Rayner Hints At Major Social Housing Announcement

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naomi24 | 14:07 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | News
9 Answers

//Angela Rayner has given her strongest hint yet that Labour will announce a major package of social housebuilding in next month’s spending review...Labour has promised to build 1.5m new homes over the course of the parliament, but experts say this will not be possible without finding money to build at least 90,000 socially rented houses and flats in England every year.//


Which money tree wlll they be shaking for this one?



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Alternatively, maybe the sulking right could explain how to do stuff without spending.

no need she bought some magic beans off some geezer in the market.

Haha etc, got an answer to my 14:13?

I hope there are plenty of photographs.

Of course you have to spend to get things done but in the area of housing it's more about creating the conditions that mean houses get built. The state is hopeless at building things, the city experiments of the 50s, 60s and 70s demonstrate that. So they need to create conditions for building firms to build affordable housing, that's the challenge and who knows maybe the GOAS has something up her sleeve.

Good luck Angela. It needs to be done but it's going to need major expenditure and it's not easy given the NIMBYism and planning restrictions and the lack of infrastructure in terms of roads, schools, shops, hospitals in areas where building might be considered. I hope we get the extra social and affordable hosuing without it ending up like 60s tower blocks.

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Social housing drains the coffers constantly so when they build all these new homes will they be selling them off?

I suspect the illegal migrants will get first dibs.

Trailer parks like in the U.S.A. ?

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Angela Rayner Hints At Major Social Housing Announcement

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