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Nurses Reject 5.5% Offer....

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ToraToraTora | 13:07 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | News
5 Answers

Of course they do! They want the 22% the docs got and they'll probably get it. High inflation on the way. Hoping for an interest rate cut? Oh dear!



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I'm afraid nurses ain't what they used to be.

To be expected and they are in a long line forming of people with their hand out for cash from the tax payer.

Baton down the hatches folks.

I'd reject it too if my better paid colleagues are getting 9.9%.

sorry 22% !!!!!!!

I would do the same in the circumstances if I were them. This is a great opportunity to get something in the region of 10%. The government are not going to want to have to deal with strikes or any aggro with unions.  

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