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Celebrities With Celebrity Parents

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naomi24 | 13:56 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
49 Answers

I've just found out that food critic, Jay Rayner, is the son of now deceased agony aunt Claire Rayner.   I know Claudia Winkleman is the daughter of journalist Eve Pollard,  Tom Parker-Bowles is Queen Camilla's son, and obviously actor and presenter Barney Walsh is Bradley's son, but can you think of any more?



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George W Bush, son of George Bush.

Jesus Christ (miracle performer) was the son of God (Creator of everything in 7 days)

Graham Hill & Damon Hill

Keke Rosberg & Nico Rosberg

George Bush, George W Bush


The Kennedy clan in USA.

Bobby Brazier son of Jade Goody deceased.

 Blimey Johnny.5 - that took some typing! (Or cut n paste lol)

Fab post btw naomi! 😄

Smowball - and he didn't even mention Jacob Marley, partner of Scrooge.

Samuel West son of Timothy West and Prunella Scales

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