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Rayner Personal Photograper

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davebro3 | 07:18 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | News
37 Answers

I see reports that the GOAS is hiring a personal photographer costing £68,000 pa. of public money.

Is this a good use of public funds? Only a drop in the "alleged" black hole but it sure won't help.

Do we want to see better picures of her - or any pictures at all!



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David Bailey nor Patrick Anson could erase the stain of her character.  Complete wase of money

unexpectedly Macbeth-y ( act V. 1) for a monday on AB

Does anyone have a link to this story?

thanks, so it'snot her personal photographer then?

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£68k pa sounds like a full-time job (and then some), is the photographer gonna be with her every bloomin' day?

Well it's the first one for a Deputy Prime Minister, so a new post in these times of hardship.

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//She says that Lord Alli – who has given her more than £50,000 over the past four years – is primarily a personal friend //

Yeah, right🙄


The photographer isn't Rayner's personal photographer, is he?

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Maybe not, but if this post wasn't needed in the past - why now?

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I think she's probably got upset by some of the (frankly) unflattering pictures of her that have appeared in the press. Damn paparazzi!

The Government Press Office has photographers - and I doubt this new recruit's efforts will include pictures of Angela's loyal civil servants diligently beavering away at their desks - most of them are probably still working from home - but whatever is produced it won't stop the press taking their own pictures - or publishing them.

why are people complaining ??

Labour promised more jobs


they are delivering on their election promise.

Am I right ?

I'm not wrong !

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I don't think more jobs is the problem - getting people who are prepared to do them is...

Come on then, what does GOAS stand for?

Gob On A Stick

Who is "GOAS" ?

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