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The Next Prime Minister

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naomi24 | 14:37 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | Politics
19 Answers

Will Starmer stay the course - or rather be allowed to stay the course - and is Angela Rayner gearing up for the role?



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Rayner would be out of her depth in a puddle.
14:51 Mon 23rd Sep 2024

Angela or Corbyn?

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Corbyn isn't a Labour MP.

oh is there a vacancy  ?

Yes, I think he will stay the course, he has a huge majority. A VONC is possible but he can fight that by dishing out the sweeties if needed. Only a serious scandal involving something illegal would get him out.

No way even most of the Labour party want GOAS as PM.

Rayner would be out of her depth in a puddle.

I'm not sure Starmer will stay the course. I give him a couple of years before in-fighting and the looney left chuck him out.

Do these flights of fancy come to you in the dead of night or is it a paying job to think them up?

Why are they " of fancy..."?


SKS is now deeply unpopular with the public, so it's not inconceivable the rank and file Labour MPs will take note, the abstention vote grows (or even voting against with the risk of losing the whip) and all of a sudden his position becomes precarious.


Rayner, as the Deputy PM, could be at the helm even if for a short while, and let's face is (and I'll be polite as I can) not only is she a hypocrite of breathing proportions, she's as thick as pig siht.

and as common as muck...

The problem is DD that whoever is leader they have enough majority to do what they like for the best part of 5 years. I'd rather have 2TK than GOAS or whatever looney ends up leading the party.

Indeed TTT - can you just imagine Rayner being PM of one of the largest economies of the world (at the moment - she'd eff it up) and meeting foreign leaders? We'd be an absolute laughing stock.

I don't want AR to be Prime Minister not least because my Mum she that she will die of shame if that happens......and I quite like my old Mum.

*says she will...

We can't really guess who the next prime minister will be until we know whether the Conservatives or Reform take over next time.

Quite OG. Labour are going to be a one term Government.

Next Labour leader - Wes Streeting.

Next Prime Minister - Kemi Badenoch.

Can you just imagine Liz Truss being PM of one of the largest economies of the world (oh heck she actually was, wasn't she? - and she did eff it up). We were an absolute laughing stock.

After Two Tier Keir and Upper Tier Keir...saw a new one earlier...

'Tool and the Gang' 😂

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